On October 5-7, OpenApply was delighted to be a part of the ECIS/AISAP Admissions Institute held at the International School of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The first collaboration between these organisations was a great success with over 65 schools participating, including 15 OpenApply schools.

On Thursday, Managing Director Angelica Nierras led a thought-provoking session on the future of international school admissions, discussing topics such as phasing out application forms, the importance of data security, the role of virtual reality, and redefining the term “international school”. Small groups discussed the different topics, and at the end each person made their own prediction for the future of international schools and the future of their admissions office. Some of our favorites are below:

  • A rise in multi-campus schools connected across the globe
  • Greater competition leading to an emphasis on marketing
  • Established international admissions best practices
  • More opportunities for local children at international schools

View slides from the presentation below:

<p style=" margin: 12px auto 6px auto; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block;"> <iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" title="ECIS Future of Admissions" src="https://www.scribd.com/embeds/362005663/content?start_page=1&view_mode=scroll&access_key=key-ubg7Z2F7gzylo7GOQA5j&show_recommendations=true" data-auto-height="false" data-aspect-ratio="1.3323485967503692" scrolling="no" id="doc_62649" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>

On Friday, OpenApply Director MacKenzie Hovermale led a discussion on best practices in international school re-enrolment. Participants from schools around the world shared their thoughts on everything from when to start re-enrolment to how to notify parents what to do in special situations like deferrals. Participants walked away with new ideas to implement for the upcoming re-enrolment cycle.

View slides from the presentation below:

<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" title="Successfully Managing Re-Enrollment" src="https://www.scribd.com/embeds/362005952/content?start_page=1&view_mode=scroll&access_key=key-fUL5h7tGyXeqnbix5b9X&show_recommendations=true" data-auto-height="false" data-aspect-ratio="1.3323485967503692" scrolling="no" id="doc_9366" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Friday ended with a canal boat cruise through Amsterdam in beautiful fall weather and a drinks reception, both supported by OpenApply.
Conferences are always a valuable opportunity for us to increase our knowledge of the admissions world and improve our services. Sessions on data analysis, projecting enrolment, and the parent admissions experience all provided valuable inspiration for future work, as did our conversations with attendees.


We look forward to collaborating with ECIS and AISAP on future events to provide more professional development opportunities for the international admissions community!
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