We’re delighted to kick off the new year with a number of updates designed to improve your OpenApply experience! These enhancements will contribute to the ongoing optimisation and streamlining of your admissions process. Let’s take a closer look.

Checklist Updates

For a snapshot of checklist progress across the applicant pool, schools now benefit from the new checklist overview. This provides schools an at-a-glance yet comprehensive view of each applicant’s progress through their checklist. The feature, integrated into the rosters, allows schools to efficiently assess the status of all applicants’ checklists. This streamlined approach will save schools time and effort, enabling them to quickly view completed requirements and identify any outstanding tasks. It facilitates a more organised and efficient management of the application process, ensuring admissions teams gain high visibility to the progress of each applicant without the need for detailed manual tracking or analysis.

Building upon the existing checklist feature, it is now possible to apply conditional logic, whereby schools can mandate the completion of other checklists as a prerequisite before a particular checklist appears. This adds a sequencing layer to the structured admissions process, streamlining the workflow and ensuring that applicants progress through the necessary steps in a logical order. It also helps with reducing gaps and the risk of errors, and guarantees that each applicant has met the required criteria before advancing to the next stage. Additionally, schools can now set status levels as conditional logic to checklists. This means that applicants will only see certain checklist items once they have reached a specific status level.

Enhancing communication efficiency through an added layer of automation, new subscription criteria can now be set for email campaigns on the OpenApply CRM (Pro Bundle) when an applicant has completed all of their checklist items. Automating the email campaign subscription process based on checklist completion ensures that communication is targeted and timely, and allows schools to send relevant information or follow-up messages to applicants precisely when they have fulfilled all the requirements in a checklist.

Lastly, we’re excited to announce that schools will be able to set due dates for checklists very soon. Due dates can be assigned to calendar days, or on a rolling basis, and have soft or hard deadlines. Get in touch to learn more about this feature, or any of the checklist enhancements mentioned above.

Other Improvements

Our development team has deployed numerous other improvements to enhance the OpenApply experience for families and staff throughout January. Below are just a few of these enhancements:

  • Switch between applicant profiles – This can now be done quickly and easily with on-screen navigation buttons, so there is no need to go back to the roster.
  • Expand template folders – The folders of grouped templates can now be expanded and collapsed with a simple click, which is particularly useful to quickly select the correct message template when the dropdown contains many of them.
  • Search by template – It is now possible to search for a template directly from this dropdown via a built-in search bar.
  • Navigate by template name – Benefit from the ‘Template Name’ field to label your message templates with names that are familiar to all users and more instantly recognisable (now available to Essential Bundle users).

To learn more about any of these updates and enhancements, whether you are an OpenApply customer or not, book a free demo with a member of our team.

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